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Child’s Name: ________________________________________
ID Number: 123456            Screening Date: 9/2015

Child’s Screening Profile

(This sample is not printable, but actual WELL results give you a printed record.)

Receptive Language

Strength to Celebrate

Receptive language is what we do with information when we listen. It is how we understand what we hear. As we get older, it is how we understand what we read. Children with good receptive language skills understand a wide variety of vocabulary and are able to follow multiple step directions, simple and complex sentences, and story themes.

Expressive Language


Expressive language is what we do when we talk. It is how we share our ideas through speaking. As we get older, we use more complex sentences and vocabulary especially when writing. Children with good expressive language skills use a wide variety of vocabulary, simple and complex sentences, and are able to tell stories sequentially with detail and ease.

Social Communication

Strength to Celebrate

Social communication is what we do when we use language for different purposes, adapt or change language according to the needs of the listener, and follow rules for conversations and stories. Children with good social communication skills talk differently to their friends than to their teachers. They are sensitive to their listeners, take turns when communicating, and are tuned into nonverbal cues.

Early Literacy
(Phonological Awareness)

Weakness to Bolster

Early Literacy is what we do when we learn skills that are necessary for reading. Children who are good with phonological awareness skills (rhyming, identifying beginning and ending sounds in words, blending, manipulating sounds in words, etc.) are the first to decode print.  Next Steps


Weakness to Bolster

Reading is what we do when we decode words. Children who are strong readers have good phonological awareness, word recognition, fluency, and receptive language skills.  Next Steps



Attention is what we do when we are able to stay focused, concentrate, inhibit, and sit still. Children with good attention skills are able to learn more easily, plan, organize, regulate behavior, and complete tasks on time.

Math Calculation


Math calculation is what we do when we understand numbers and simple math facts and operations. Young children with good math calculation skills can count to 10, recognize math numbers, and do simple calculations with manipulatives.


Articulation is what we do when we use our oral structures to produce speech sounds. Children with good articulation are intelligible when they speak. Some speech sounds are acquired later than others.

You did not identify the child as having difficulty producing speech sounds.